My latest attempt at French cooking...
At first I though I would overcook the scallops, or add too much wine, or not reduce the wine enough.
Coquilles Saint-Jacques is a lot easier to make than it sounds - try it!
Anyone been up to French cooking lately?
2 days ago
Nope, I don't even cook American. It looks good though.
Do french fries count?.... just kidding
I cook french food at times, more so in the colder months when rich food hits the spot. I have picked up "Glorious French Food" by James Peterson a couple times from the library, the book is like a 740 page bible of french cooking. I've also been wanting to pick up Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles Cookbook, Anthony Bourdain kicks ass.
I'd say my favorite french dish would be Pot au feu spooned over creamy mashed potatoes. Not sure if the mashed potatoes are all that french but it is an amazing combination.
3 things: 2 questions, 1 comment-
1) What nationality are you?
2) What kind of camera do you have?
3) And your blog is really cool, I must say :)
I am American, and I have a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi. Thanks for visiting!
Sympa votre petit plat de coquilles St-Jacques.
Origines françaises ??
Merci! Non, je ne suis pas français. Je suis américain, mais j'ai commencé mes études dans le français il y a long temps.
I love coquille st jaques! This time of year I make a shopping trip through the channel tunnel to a supermarket in Calais. I always bring back a packet of these, served in a scallop shell! Formidable!
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